Friends, I've been reading the changes to the Comprehensive Plan, being on the committee. They are absolutely egregious. The powers that be, whoever they are, have watered down the Plan so much that it's almost sinful. The further I read it, the madder I get. Please, please please try to show up at the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. on the 10th floor of city hall and all of the other Public Meetings. The pdf document containing the changes is attached. Spread the word and forward the document. [Click second link below to see the forwarded document.] Charlie
Monday, February 20, 2012
Emergency Message from Charlie Wakeem
Charlie Wakeem, the Chairman of the Open Space Board and a man who has served on many boards and committees of the City and who is on top of land, conservation and development issues, sent this urgent message late last night:
You guys really need to try to get Past CPC Chair Brooks Vandivort to take a stand on the changes to the Comp Plan. The current CPC members listen to his advice and he is also held in high regard by the development community as being fair.