More frequently now I am hearing from others that Mr. Ed Archuleta, CEO of EPWU/PSB, is alienating growing numbers of people because of an authoritarian style increasingly unreasonable and out-of-control. Let me give the latest example.
Last June, City Council approved a plan to establish hike and bike trailheads into the Franklin Mountains State Park. This approval followed research done by Parks and Recreation staff and members of the Open Space Advisory Board. I participated and remember well our spending a whole day stopping at each of the many areas all around the perimeter of the Franklins currently used by hikers and mountain bikers for trailheads. Council agreed to begin on seven trailheads and asked Parks and Recreation to work out MOUs for each. Chairman Wakeem asked that PRAD staff give an update on the trailheads at last Wednesday's Open Space Advisory Board meeting. Marci Tuck gave a short to-the-point briefing.
Trail Heads
Mr. Rudy Valdez was on hand as usual from the EPWU/PSB at the behest of Mr. Archuleta. He said that Mr. Archuleta wanted a letter from OSAB explaining what exactly was being asked for regarding the trailheads. Everyone was dumbfounded and flabergasted. Some were clearly angry. Eyes in the audience rolled. City Attorney, Lupe Cuellar, explained that OSAB couldn't write the letter and that City Council had already provided direction and any discussion to be had should be between Parks and Recreation staff and EPWU staff. All agreed.
Mr. Archuleta's insistence on a "letter" when City Council gave instruction last June 21, 2011 is simply another roadblock to OSAB and others.
Let me give you a short litany of other such roadblocks:
Hunt would like to sell some arroyos in the Franklin Heights area for Open Space. They would be excellent open space areas and they do have storm water applications. Hikers currently begin hikes from these areas. The hold-up: Ed Archuleta.
A good fix for water for the Rio Bosque would be a direct line to the Bustamante Wastewater Plant. At the PSB's strategic planning meeting last September, Mr. Archuleta said that providing water to the Bosque would be easy. Since then, OSAB has invited EPWU staff to discuss the water situation and how to fix it at the Bosque, a very vital part of El Paso's natural open space with huge eco-tourism potential. Time and again the item has been tabled at OSAB because nobody from EPWU has been available to discuss it. The hold-up: Ed Archuleta.
Of course, the most egregious disrespect of the priorities set by El Pasoans regarding purchasing open space was the decision to spend $2.5 million on park ponds before top priorities. The person in control: Mr. Ed Archuleta.
There are other incidents. But it cannot go without notice that City Council in their February 14, 2012 Executive Session passed this motion:
EX 1 Motion From 2-14-2012
I bet there is one reason above all others to re-examine the relationship between the City and the PSB: Mr. Ed Archuleta.
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