Whether it is the Texas Utility Commission or El Paso Electric, the Sun City gets a tiny fraction of its electrical energy from solar power. The El Paso Times did a front page story yesterday that has caused some buzz: El Paso solar grid is one of Texas' weakest. The story is based on an Environment Texas report, Reaching for the Sun. You can download and read the full report here.
Austin and San Antonio combined use nearly 90% of utility-supported solar power in the state. El Paso, the Sun City? 1.42%! One point four two percent!
The Times story yesterday was followed up today by David Burge of the Times about the first round of homes at Ft. Bliss with solar panels: Solar panels rise on Ft. Bliss homes: Step to energy self-sufficiency.
The above info should be set in the context of some really powerful trends: the decentralization of energy and going off the grid. Read this post by David Roberts: The next big thing in energy: Decentralization. Also read his Energy democracy: Three ways to bring solar to the masses.
This is a good time to get to know the El Paso Solar Energy Association or like them on Facebook.
I'm not finger pointing at anyone. However, I do want to see El Paso leap ahead with solar energy and energy self-sufficiency. As windy as it gets around here this time of year, we still aren't really a windy city; but we are the Sun City. Time to shine.
I really like the information provided in this article and I really like the way you have explained each and everything so well. Very well done with the article, hope that you will continue to do posting
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