At the NW corner of Montana and Chelsea with Trowbridge defining the northern boundary sits some land that now has a Vet clinic and a Chico's and once a Baptist church now torn down. Adjacent to this land is a quiet neighborhood. On the other side of Montana is old Chelmont Center and an Albertson's. Walmart is hell bent on obtaining the land. The neighbors do not want the added traffic congestion which will surely come with semis delivering products to the store and thousands of customers forced to go around the block - i.e., through the residential areas.
It was a concern during the recent campaign in which I was a candidate. Early on I opposed the project - the rezoning for the benefit of Walmart. My opponent, Larry Romero who was subsequently elected, favored Walmart until he realized that his position could cost him one or more precincts. Flip-flopping he changed his position and came out against the Walmart. (At the City Plan Commission meeting he sat silently as people spoke out against Walmart. He sat opposite of the neighbors in the chambers of Council. He did send his surrogate from the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to speak in favor of Walmart. That was two weeks before the election and days before he had his convenient conversion.)
Besides knowing that it would be a huge stress on the neighborhood, I opposed the project because I was aware that the Parks and Recreation Department at one time looked at the land as a place to move the now-closed Chelsea Street pool. There is money in the quality of life bonds just for purchasing new land for that pool. Somewhere along the way, that plan got moth balled in favor of supporting Walmart. Obviously, some in the City hierarchy were persuaded by Walmart to let them go after the land. Many neighbors favor the idea of a park and pool. Fred Borrego has a very special vision of what that park and pool should look like.
There were close to 70 neighbors - maybe more - at City Council today. The plot to rezone the land had been turned down by the CPC earlier largely because of neighborhood opposition. Walmart appealed to the City Council and today the matter was to have been heard.
Homeowners within 300 feet of the proposed site had signed a petition in opposition to the Walmart. There were enough of them who signed to force what is called a 211 - in order to pass Council there needs to be a super majority. 5-3 for does not work. It must be 6-2. Dear Dr. Noe questioned the validity of the petition and asked for a two week postponement. This in spite of the fact that 70 people (maybe more) were there in opposition - 35 of us had signed up to speak against it. This also in spite of the fact that Sylvia Firth issued an opinion that the petitions gathered constituted the 211. Citizens had already tolerated nearly two hours of special accolades and recognitions before Council even got to the regular agenda.
Courtney (whatever business wants business gets) Niland seconded the motion. It passed with the help of Lilly and Acosta who had promised to vote against the Walmart.
Why was Noe so eager to postpone when the proposed Walmart is not even in his District but in outgoing Rep. Byrd's district? Here's the scoop so pay attention: Joe Lopez, Noe's campaign operative, does the local advertising for Walmart. Need I say more? Noe and Walmart are betting on the new City Council to support the retail Leviathan. The matter will be heard again in two weeks - July 2nd. We will see if Romero is true to his word or will find a reason to flip flop again.
The vote may also be an early sign of just how reactionary and bourgeois this new Mayor and City Council will be.
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