In preparation for its appeal to the El Paso City Council on July 9, 2013, Walmart has begun a new PR campaign beyond the immediate neighborhood of the Chelsea-Montana site that Walmart wants rezoned so it can build a new store. Here is the flier that they are circulating:
Neighbors oppose the site because the new store will mean added traffic both from service semis and customer vehicles. The matter went before City Council but Rep. Noe was successful in getting the matter postponed until July 9.
Noe got a postponment with the hope of impeaching the 211 that neighbors in the immediate proximity of the proposed Walmart had signed. The 211 accepted by City Attorney Sylvia Firth would require a super majority (6-2) of City Council to approve Walmart's zoning request. No Mayoral veto is allowed in a 211. Noe's connection with Walmart comes through his association with advertiser Jose L. Lopez who he used in his 2011 campaign. See one of his 2011 campaign financial reports as well as this one.
Jose Lopez is the lobbyist and local advertiser for Walmart. His October lobby report reveals Walmart as a client:
His January report mentions "possible new store":
One strange matter: The current Chelsea pool which is part of the Parks and Recreation inventory is set to be replaced and money was set aside in the Quality of Life bonds to purchase a new location. As a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, I remember our discussing the location at Chelsea and Montana where Walmart now wants to build a retail center. What happened to the pool project? Did someone at higher levels in the City nix the pool/park idea (popular with the neighbors) in favor of Walmart?
Also read:
The Low-Wage Drag on Our Economy: Wal-Mart's low wages and their effect on taxpayers and economic growth
America Feeds the Rich
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