There is a big elephant in the room and Walmart has launched an unprecedented political, marketing, and PR campaign to camouflage it under the guise of neighborhood and economic development. The reality is that the proposed store at the corner of Montana and Chelsea accomplishes neither. No amount of marketing, television commercials, or political gamesmanship can circumvent the obvious code and site problems this location presents. Due process was undermined on June 18th at City Council chambers when Walmart influenced a postponement of the rezoning appeal case and turned away myself and over fifty other residents who were present to protect our inherent property rights. I think everyone can sympathize with rearranged work schedules, childcare arrangements, and even those with health issues making an effort to attend this meeting only to be turned away without a chance to speak.
On May 16th, the City Planning Commission ruled overwhelmingly in a 6 to 3 vote to deny Walmart’s rezoning request. They ruled on the merits of the case. The site is simply too small and too congested for any supermarket of this size. Pretty architectural renderings and landscaping cannot disguise the automobile and commercial truck traffic flowing through our small residential streets. This store will turn Cardon Street into a “freeway” with thousands of cars trying to get back to Trowbridge and Chelsea Streets every week. The existing code designations do not allow a supermarket of this size to be built on any of these four parcels. Certainly, the owners of these commercial properties have the right to sell their land. But what Walmart is trying to do is buy these properties that already prohibit their proposed store and lobby their way into the City allowing them to put their elephant into a teacup. Sadly, the current property owners of these four parcels have been led down a path that Walmart knew had problems and chose to ignore them, assuming their influence would be enough to get their deal done.
We have property rights too. Collectively, we have invested millions of dollars in our homes and properties and have the inherent right to protect our interests. Due process should settle this issue like it did at the City Plan Commission, not Walmart’s strong arming. All four surrounding Neighborhood Associations: United Neighborhood Association, Austin Terrace Neighborhood Association, Radford Hills Neighborhood Association, and the San Juan Neighborhood Improvement Association are all opposed to this rezoning. The residents that would be most affected by this store are overwhelmingly opposed. Our voices are united and clear; we do not want our neighborhoods and streets serving the interests of the largest retailer in the world.
Accordingly, our neighborhoods have formed a coalition, Neighbors Supporting Neighborhoods, to unite our efforts in preserving the quality of life the people in these neighborhoods deserve. Do you think Walmart will suffer if they don’t get their way? No, but the homeowners will have to live with a 35,500 square foot 24-hour store thirty feet from their front doorsteps with constant noise, light, trucks, and cars. Other neighborhoods are taking notice and standing with us. Walmart has saturated our city. Be careful El Paso, because your neighborhood could be next. The former and newly elected District 2 City Representatives are also opposed to this rezoning. Hopefully our new Mayor and City Council will see through Walmart’s tactics and stand by the decision of the City Plan Commission to deny this rezoning request -
by Madeleine Haddox, President of the Radford Hills Neighborhood Association
Collectively, we have invested millions of dollars in our homes.Oh so you are the RICH Neighborhood association that is representing the people against wal-mart in OUR neighborhood.Ok So why has the association not contacted the rest of the people down your block from Pennsylvanian circle and on the Loretto area .Because as you say you have invested millions on your property,I live only 3blocks from that area here on Trowbridge across from the apartment the city condemned and am happy about that and need I say on the poor-side of Trowbridge where Walt-Mart is wanting to build..why should you try to stop it .We need a store close by like Walt-Mart ,NOT like Albertson whom overprice the food. There are senior citizens who live on this side too The complex down on Chelsea and I-10 and they dont have the luxury of a car and have to walk or catch bus to a store and have to deal with Albertsons that has overpriced food..and plenty of other people who live around you that do use Walmarts for their shopping....Sorry I have never heard we had a neighborhood association and have been living in this area for 15 yrs on and off.Put your work for better things like adding or pushing for more lighting down trowbridge going toward Montana than trying to stop Walmart from planting a NEIGBORHOOD store...I can say more but it will go to deaf ears anyway..
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