Pay attention everyone.
If you or your organization have ever been told "No" by TxDOT...
If your community and all your stakeholders have ever supported one thing and TxDOT has rejected your proposal...
If you have ever been part of a public meeting to give TxDOT input and then heard them tell you how things really are going to be...
Pay attention.
This story is all about local control versus a very powerful agency which does not have to answer to you the people. That agency, of course, is TxDOT which is only answerable to the Texas Transportation Commission which is only answerable to Gov. Rick Perry. (More on this relationship in an upcoming post. For now, just look at the recent contributions of Texas Transportation Commission Chairman, Ted Houghton, to Rick Perry.)
At last Friday's meeting of the Transportation Policy Board for the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), TxDOT asked that the El Paso Bike Share program be deprogrammed and that federal money (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality - CMAQ - funds) be used differently.) See Items 7 and 8 on the agenda. Never mind that CMAQ funds had been given for the express purpose of the El Paso Bike Share program. Never mind the fact that the City of El Paso, the County of El Paso and UTEP had already pledged to the program. Never mind the fact that all of El Paso's elected representatives in State and Federal government stand for the Bike Share Program. Never mind any of this. One very powerful state agency with no accountability to the people and with no regard to the will of the people, will do whatever they want and take money for whatever project they deem to be worthwhile.
So, here's what happened at the Transportation Policy Board for the El Paso Metropolitan Planning Organization last Friday. Each and every member of that Board voted against the proposal to deprogram bike share (only El Paso TxDOT engineer, Bob Bielek, voted in favor). That was Item number 7. The Board deleted Item number 8 - where TxDOT wanted to take money they would steal from bike share. The message was loud and clear: We the People having local control of our government, vote to accept CMAQ funds for bike share and, dearest TxDOT, you had better deliver.
Senator Rodriguez: "Local decision making IS the issue. The Federal Highway Administration has approved funds. We, the local community, decide - not a state agency."
Mayor Leeser: "City Council and the community support bike share."
Representatives Marquez, Gonzalez and Moody were adamant for bike share and against the usurpation by TxDOT.
Can TxDOT still torpedo bike share? You bet they can. They can refuse to spend the money that way (the Federal Highway Administration gives that right to the state agency). They can refuse no matter what the local community wants.
But they may have a harder time this time. They have no support among elected representatives from El Paso. Word on the streets is that the Federal Highway Administration is now investigating them. I suggest to Senator Rodriguez and all of our elected state representatives that they visit with their fellow legislators in Austin and find out how many stories like this one there are throughout the State regarding TxDOT's disregard of local government and community decision-making.
I suggest to many in El Paso that they pay attention. I know many of them know stories about TxDOT's total disregard of stakeholder and public opinion.
Hey TxDOT Teddy - this is just the first post in a series. Much more to come.
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