If you didn't see David Crowder's article in this weekend's Inc., you need to read it. PSB gag rule has everyone talking sums up the situation with the gag rule - the PSB Communications policy. There is no doubt that the policy was invoked by the current PSB Chair Richard Shoephoerster, abetted by Robert Andron, the legal counsel for PSB/EPWU, to get back at PSB member Bonart for bringing to light the deficiencies in the UTEP Centennial Water Plan.
Also read the El Paso Times Sunday editorial: Don't muzzle members of our boards. I especially want to emphasize what the Times wrote regarding the policy being discussed behind closed doors in executive session:
"What's worse, when one board member asked last week for an explanation of the policy, the PSB went in to closed session. Yes, that's right - the board retreated behind closed doors to discuss a policy that limits the ability of its members to make public comments to the media or others.
"In going behind closed doors, the PSB cited the legal provision for consultation with an attorney. However, the Texas attorney general has made it clear that governing bodies cannot use that provision as a way of avoiding required public discussion of policy: 'General discussion of policy, unrelated to legal matters, is not permitted under the language of (this exception) merely because an attorney is present.'"
Those who want to get their way, who want to trump the workings of democratic, transparent government always hide in darkness and behind the cracks of closed doors. They are like roaches. (By the way, I am often told when I'm blunt that it is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar. My reply: It is easier to kill roaches with RAID.)
Robert Andron should be censured for allowing this closed door discussion of a policy. I have already said what Richard Schoephoerster, Non-P.E. should do: RESIGN.
As for the policy: It wasn't necessary before 2011 (at the time that Bonart brought up the Teran conflict as Crowder's article suggests). The policy doesn't need to be modified. It simply doesn't need to be. Rescind it. Burn it. Punish those who would wield such an instrument of autocratic power.
For me, the most important thing about the PSB “gag rule” is that it is causing discussion. We need more people thinking about and talking about water issues. Hopefully, many members of the public will attend the next, and future, PSB meetings. Water: life-giving and life-limiting resource is even more critical here in the desert. EPWU is world renowned for its visionary efforts in water conservation and desalinization. But, at our current use, our water resources are not sustainable. We all must to do more to conserve and reuse water. Think about it and discuss innovative options for water reuse.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure that desal is really that visionary? Let's see - we pump salty water out, take the salt out and pump the salt back in. Voila! More concentrated salt water in the bolson.