The Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority will not meet this Wednesday, January 8, in spite of the fact that they publicly advertise a schedule of their regular meeting dates. (Their web site flashes in red that they meet the second Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. on the 1st Floor of City Hall.)
The word is out that they may meet on Wednesday, January 22nd, or wait until their next "regularly" scheduled meeting date which is February 12th. elpasonaturally will keep an eye on this and let you know in plenty of time so that you can attend and speak out regarding their use of a predatory lender to collect toll tags paid in cash by those without credit cards - the perfect victims for predatory lenders.
By law, the CRRMA must give 72 hours of advanced notice prior to a meeting.
The Huffington Post may be listening to elpasonaturally because they devoted a story about the El Paso situation. I posted a link to it on Facebook, but go HERE to read it.
Tomorrow, at its regularly scheduled meeting, the El Paso City Council will review a delayed ordinance which would "regulate" payday predators such as the business contracted to do the work for the CRRMA. The current Council delayed the beginning that ordinance would take effect to January 16th. The ordinance had been introduced by progressive, Susie, Byrd, during her last term on Council. The current and more reactionary, recidivist Council (and atavistic judging from their behavior) may decide to rescind the ordinance. They can and hopefully will allow it to take effect on the 16th. The El Paso Times story is HERE. Read yesterday's editorial board piece urging Council to affirm the payday loan rules already passed. Also read today's excellent guest editorial by Larry Garcia. Garcia well chronicles the advantage taken of families in financial crisis.
So, while we wait for the CRRMA to meet again, we can do better than reading their canned responses to the public. Let's enjoy instead a dramatic reading of the immortal poem, The Spider and the Fly:
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