Thursday, January 2, 2014
We're on Facebook!
The first big news of 2014: We're now on Facebook! is where you will find us. Please visit the page and "Like" it. The more likes, the better the promotion and the better all of us will be at getting the word out about sustainability and becoming more earth and animal friendly in our daily lives and in our government, organizational and business policies.
Please visit the page often and like and share its posts. Facebook is a powerful tool for dispersing good information about why caring for our land and water and developing new and cleaner energy is better for us today and will provide a brighter future for many, many generations to come. Our alternative based on sustainability is in an uphill struggle with those who base their decisions on cheap real estate, cheap labor, sprawling, and transportation and food systems that are modeled on the rapidly depleting resources of oil and gas. Their way of doing things may stuff the pockets of a few today but will leave more empty homes and mouths tomorrow.
I started elpasonaturally on December 17, 2008. It has evolved since then but the core value of sustainability has remained. I will continue with this blog but am excited by the new Facebook venue.
Please visit And, again, please "Like" it and keep sharing its posts.
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