Can El Paso prosper by growing and growing and growing? That's what the building sprawlers tell us and they have a City Council that believes them.
Watch Dr. Albert A. Bartlett's extraordinary lecture: "Arithmetic, Population and Energy: Sustainability 101." You can watch these in 8 approximately 10 minute segments or all at once. Al Bartlett was Professor Emeritus in Nuclear Physics at the University of Colorado. Here's the first segment. Go to and see this talk and others. Take the time to watch it. You'll know the answer to the question and you'll know that the El Paso sprawlers are wrong and only protecting their own greedy skins. You'll also realize why your onerous property taxes keep going up and up and up and never down. You'll have the answer to many more energy, conservation and sustainability issues.
elpasonaturally will be saying more about Dr. Bartlett and why his insights are important for El Paso today. Today's Friday Video is just a taste.
Wow, this is quite a find, thank you so much for posting it!!!!