Wednesday, June 18, 2014
The Friday Video Today: Coping with the Cascading Crises of Our World
I'm going to be out of pocket for the next 5 days while I entertain a friend from New York City, the CFO of Playbill. So, I'm doing the Friday video today. A big thanks and a hat tip to Marshall Carter-Tripp for leading me to this presentation that talks about sustainability and social justice - the two major themes of elpasonaturally.
Robert Jensen's talk is an encomium to his friend, Jim Koplin. You can read a shorter version of it under the title of After the harvest - learning to leave the planet gracefully. The tribute can be found on Waging Non-Violence and two sites to bookmark and visit regularly.
I usually select short videos. This runs for an hour and twenty-one minutes. Sit back. Stream it to your television. Watch it at the end of the day on your tablet. You will appreciate the time invested.
Some of you get these posts via email. Embedded videos do not show up on many cell phone platforms or email programs. Go HERE to see the video.
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