Apparently the Rio Bosque Wetlands Park will get its water via a direct pipeline from the Bustamante Waste Water Treatment Plant. The EPWU's plan to build the pipeline had been delayed because that pipeline crossed a narrow section of abandoned land owned by the El Paso Water Improvement District #1. It took getting something in return to gain the easement.
John Sproul reported that, at the end of its open meeting yesterday, "the [EPCWID #1] Board discussed scheduling a special board meeting to take place in a week or so. Board President Johnny Stubbs said this will be the meeting at which the board takes action on Application 1683 for the Rio Bosque pipeline crossing."
At the beginning of yesterday's meeting, Board President Johnny Stubbs stood and addressed the seven or so members of the Friends of the Rio Bosque and explained that the Improvement District was their best friend and that they would soon grant the EPWU's request. He mentioned that they had concerns. What he didn't mention was their wanting something in return. Nevertheless, members of the Friends thanked him and, when I addressed them, said that I took them at their word.
Apparently the EPWU agreed to pay for some improvements to the drain downstream of the Bosque for a small sum. (Unknown what that is.) The EPWU has issued the Improvement District a check for the license fee and it should be issued within a day or two - perhaps after their special meeting. The date and time of that meeting has not been posted yet on their web site.
NOT yet a done deal. Eternal vigilance is necessary on this and all environmental issues.
ReplyDeleteWe have had many premature congratulations and will not pop any champagne until water is flowing through the pipeline into the Rio Bosque Wetlands Park.