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Today we have a double feature! We begin with "Love At First Bite - The Ad Doritos Don't Want You to See". Here's the scoop:
"Rainforests across Southeast Asia are being destroyed every day to make way for massive palm oil plantations, where workers, even children, are trapped in modern slavery to cultivate the vegetable oil. The clearing of these rainforests and peatlands are driving many species like the orangutan and Sumatran tiger to the brink of extinction, while also polluting the Earth's atmosphere by releasing gigatons of greenhouse gases.
"Each year, PepsiCo buys 427,500 tonnes of palm oil. Given how high profile the Doritos Super Bowl campaign is, we're [SumOfUs]using this opportunity to let consumers around the world know about PepsiCo's irresponsible palm oil sourcing policy. there's never been a better time to spread the message and make friends, family and colleagues aware of PepsiCo's practices."
There's an online petition associated with the video. Also be sure to download the El Paso Zoo's palm oil app.
Speaking about the El Paso Zoo, here's one from Rick LoBello, the Education Curator there. Rick has a YouTube Channel where you will find more videos. The following went viral after NBC's Today show used it:
We need to post more of Rick's videos here on elpasonaturally!
Do you love Coca-Cola or Pepsi?
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