[Monday is "Links Day" with links gathered over the past week to online "stuff" to read and sites to surf that impact us directly or offer information about our regional issues. Please feel free to send me links to any conservation, environmental, simple living, city planning, energy and water, etc. stories that you have come across online.]
City of El Paso Government, Sprawling and Water:
Best council money can buy (I too missed out on developing our city's strategic goals. However, I'm being told that, as a member of the Open Space Board, I need to follow in lockstep with it.)
Another Reason to Keep the PSB:
Thanks to PSB for Rescue Mission solution
Trees, Smart Growth, Resiliency and Mental Health
Trees and Green Infrastructure Key to “Climate Smart” Cities (". . . using green infrastrucure to make communities 'climate smart,' which can also help improve resilience to natural disasters.)
Living Near Trees May Reduce Antidepressant Use
Climate Change
Climate Change Indicators in the United States
Learn more:
Water in the Western United States (a free online course)
Get involved:
Restore the Rule of Law in Our Borderlands!
(Proposals in Congress could expand the border waivers. Click for a larger image. A small group of lawmakers have introduced militarization-only bills that would spend $10 billion building a massive industrial complex of walls, roads, towers, drones, bases and other unnecessary infrastructure in our U.S.–Mexico an U.S.–Canada borderlands. Please urge Congress to oppose this destructive proposal.)
Tell Congress: Reject the “No More National Parks” Bill
Environmenatally damaging border security legislation (Hat tip to Professor Liz Walsh for sharing this info sheet with many links)
Visit, bookmark and surf these sites:
Common Dreams
I Love Parks.com
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