
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Critters above Alamogordo

What's in this picture taken above the hospital and just north of the Space Hall of Fame in Alamogordo? Click image to enlarge.

 Look carefully. Click image to enlarge.

Barbary Sheep!

Picture taker, Michael Romero (El Paso Hiking Meet-up Group) said after a July 23, 2013 hike: "Great adventure this AM, this is the largest herd of Barbary Sheep that I have seen on the mountain. I believe that I counted 19 or 20. I watched them and they watched me for most of an half hour."

Learn more:

Wikipedia article



  1. Exciting to see, for sure, but they don't belong in North America:

    TPWD staff will also continue efforts to control aoudad, or Barbary sheep, an exotic from North Africa. Aoudads reproduce and spread quickly, with herds often exceeding 100 individuals. In the Trans-Pecos, they compete with native mule deer and bighorn sheep for space, forage, and water and can be devastating to desert environments. Aoudads may also pose a disease threat to wildlife and livestock.

    TPWD biologists recognize that aoudads are almost impossible to eradicate, but reducing their numbers is critical to prevent continued detrimental impacts to the desert environment and native wildlife. This follows longstanding agency practices to control exotic, invasive species.

  2. Familiar view! i've hicked the Indian Wells Canyon trail before, but never saw any sheep. tha's awesome!!! is that where the pictures were taken?
