Certainly presaging the horror of September 11, 2001, the Taliban destroyed two 6th Century monumental statues of the Buddha in Bamwam Valley, Afghanistan in March of 2001. Both representations of classical Gandhara art were revered not just by Buddhists throughout the world, but by historians and art lovers. Here is what the Taliban did to these works of art:
Now we learn that TxDOT threatens to do the same thing to the beautiful murals at Lincoln Center.
The Texas Taliban, TxDOT, threatens to demolish Lincoln Center art. |
Read the El Paso Times story. The El Paso Inc. this weekend also reported that TxDOT is proposing the destruction of the artwork, along with Lincoln Center and many homes and businesses to make room for a new ramp to Juarez. It seems that nobody - nobody - even was aware of this plan, not even Rep. Joe Pickett, a powerful member of the Transportation Committee.
TxDOT under Chairman, Ted Houghton, pursues its own behind closed doors, secret plans. Try to get information about those plans via an open records request and you will run into roadblocks abetted by gubernatorial candidate, Attorney General Greg Abbott's office.
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