
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finding of No Significant Impacts

Click on image to enlarge.

"The engineering, social, economic, and environmental investigations conducted thus far on the proposed project indicate that it will result in no significant impacts on the quality of the human environment and that a FONSI (Finding of No Significant Impact) is anticipated."

Thus concludes the summary of the "Environmental Assessment/Loop 375 (Transmountain Road) from I-10 to 0.479 Mile East of the Tom Mays Unit of the Franklin Mountains State Park Entrance El Paso, Texas/CSJ:2552-01-033. The date of publication on the cover page is November 2010 along with the logs for the Federal Highway Administration and the Texas Department of Transportation/El Paso District. No where on the cover (or anywhere else) does it say "DRAFT". By all appearances the report of which I have a complete PDF, is final.

Yet, when I asked a TxDOT official if the clock was now running for the one-month public comment period, I was told that this was not a final report and was not ready for publication yet. I have every reason to believe that this official was being absolutely honest with me and the distress in her voice not to mention her record of impeccable integrity confirmed that for me.

Yet, one wonders whether it isn't the final report as desired by a cabal of closed door officials and only formalities are now being observed while El Pasoans are being kept in the dark.

The word "Draft" does not appear on the cover page.

Much more later.

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