
Friday, December 10, 2010

What Development Will Look Like

Do you want this? Click to enlarge.

Or this? Click to enlarge.

The first image above is the Scenic Transmountain Corridor as seen from Gas Line Road. The view at the bottom is that same corridor showing development per the PSB's Northwest Master Plan. It was created using Google Earth and then superimposing development based on the Master Plan on top of the Google Earth image.

A few people will make lots of money developing the only scenic corridor on the west side which is also a major greenfield. A multi-lane road will be built no matter what. It's a matter of how it will be done. If the highway is built the way TxDOT proposes and the PSB wants, it will take out two large hills, arroyos and the scenic splendor of the desert with the mountains as a centerpiece.

Elpasonaturally has heard that Ed Archuleta of the PSB may now be reneging on his pact with city officials to develop this land using smart code. Did he want people to think that smart code was acceptable to him in order to get a unanimous vote from CPC not to recommend Natural Open Space zoning? Such zoning along with an easement to preserve the 792 acres of the corridor in its natural state in perpetuity is the only way to go.

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