
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Glass Crusher in Full Operation

Recently it was reported that the glass crusher at the Pendale Collection Station was not working and that recycled bottles were just being trashed. The good news is that the crusher is fixed and operating and that glass bottles were never thrown away.

Miguel Parra of Environmental Services explained the the machine had been down for a week. The operator, he said, "had to refabricate, by hand, the cutting blades of the grinder which resulted in the extended downtime." He added that "all bottles [had been] stored in extra bins until the repairs could be completed."

It's easy to recycle your glass bottles. I just collect mine in a big 5 gallon bucket and then take them to the nearest Citizen Collection Station.

Apparently people are using the glass "mulch" since all of it is being taken - so much so that some are suggesting another crusher or a larger one. The program is working.

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